In the coming year, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche will continue to deepen our understanding of the foundational mahayana teachings through online weekend teachings, online retreats, and in-person retreats in Vermont and Switzerland. He will continue the vajrayana teaching cycle on Amitayus through online weekend teachings and an online retreat, as well as in-person retreats in Nepal, Vermont, and Switzerland. In the fall, there will be another opportunity for new students to receive introductory guided meditation from the Sakyong online.
In addition to all this, in Nepal the Sakyong will lead a vajrayana student pilgrimage soon after the New Year, followed by a four-week individual retreat practice for seasoned vajrayana students who have experience visiting or living in Nepal. In early December 2024, the Sakyong will present The Sadhana of the Buddha, a new practice establishing the practitioner’s depth of connection to the
Buddha Shakyamuni.
Foundations of Mahayana
The Foundations of Dharma teaching cycle will continue with mahayana teachings as the Sakyong guides both newer and more experienced students through the progressive stages of the path. This will include continued practice of Planting of the Seed of Bodhichitta, as well as teachings on the four limitless ones. Although this is the fourth Foundations of Dharma series, students are welcome to join even if they did not attend previously. In the spring of 2024, the Sakyong will lead a 5-day Online Mahayana Retreat, open to all mahayana and vajrayana students.
Online Vajrayana Teachings
Soon after Losar, the Sakyong will start the next cycle of Amitayus: The Guru of Infinite Life. The first talk will be the gateway for vajrayana students who were unable to participate last year to join this cycle. All of the Sakyong’s vajrayana students who have completed ngondro and renewed samaya are invited to join him for this series of weekends spread throughout the year. These events include optional practice opportunities on Saturdays, followed by the teachings with the Sakyong on Sundays. The Sakyong will provide a lung for the Amitayus practice at the opening talk of the series. Students are encouraged to receive the Amitayus Abhisheka in-person with the Sakyong whenever they are able. In the fall of 2024, the Sakyong will lead an online vajrayana group retreat.
Continuing Opportunities for New Students
In the fall, the Sakyong again will teach an introductory event for new students and give initial meditation instruction. These teachings are open to anyone with an interest in receiving teachings from the Sakyong Lineage. It is an ideal opportunity for newer students to experience the Sakyong’s teachings, learn to meditate, and, if they wish, prepare to take refuge and enter the Foundations teaching series.
Spring Vajrayana Pilgrimage to Nepal and Vajrayana Deep Retreat
In the Spring of 2024, the Sakyong will teach during a 12-day Vajrayana Pilgrimage beginning mid- March. This will be followed by a four-week vajrayana practice retreat guided by the Sakyong in April. The Sakyong stressed that the four-week retreat is not a new requirement, but it is coming from the inspiration of the students who supplicated for an opportunity to practice intensively in Nepal when Rinpoche was in residence.
In-Person Gatherings in the West
The Sakyong will give in-person vajrayana and mahayana teachings in Europe and North America next summer. These gatherings will be opportunities for students to gather with the teacher and the sangha in one place. At the vajrayana retreats, Rinpoche will again bestow the Amitayus abhisheka in support of students on the path of the Amitayus sadhana teachings. The Sakyong will
also offer in-person teaching events to his Mahayana students in Switzerland and Vermont. He will focus on the topics that are developing in the Foundations series.
The schedule of online teachings and in-person gatherings planned for 2024 can be viewed here. The exact timing and order of events may change. Additional online and in-person events may be added based on student supplications during the year.