Why a Puja?

Throughout the year, the Sakyong receives many requests for blessings and bi-annual pujas are a powerful way he fulfills these requests. Pujas are also a traditional responsibility of lineage holders. They are occasions for the Sakyong to dedicate meditation toward situations in need of assistance, and to do specific practice for the royal family lineage of Shambhala. The Sakyong has performed these pujas for many years. This was initially unknown to the community at large, but now they are part of our relationship with the Sakyong over the course of each year.

If we wish, we can request the Sakyong to direct his practice to benefit ourselves, our loved ones, friends, centers, or activities. Although not required, people often make an offering to the teacher when requesting practice. This is part of what is called kor, the cycle of generosity between the teacher and those requesting help. It is a flow of energy and generosity, supplication and compassion, moving in many ways. Kor is a mirror of the power that our pure intention and kindness have to change the world.

When asking for ourselves or others to be included in a teacher’s practice, it is essential to share the name of the recipient of the practice. These names are read to the Sakyong during the puja. We can also include a short description of the situation surrounding the request, however the most important connection is the name of the recipient. The names and descriptions are burned at the conclusion of the practice. To include someone in the puja, you may submit their name in a practice request here. The Sakyong has expressed that he will send protection cords to those who have asked for specific practice.