The Sakyong Potrang is a church of the Sakyong lineage and a charitable, non-profit organization in the United States and Canada. The Potrang’s role is to assist in sustaining the lineage of Sakyongs and their activities and to support the transmission, protection, and integrity of authentic Buddhadharma teachings.
- Safeguard central assets such as trademarks, texts, practice implements, and sacred objects.
- Care and maintenance of lineage properties, including Kalapa Valley in Nova Scotia and the Kalapa Court in Halifax.
- Support teaching activities.
- Support for lineage holder retreats and writing activities, including texts, chants, liturgies, books, and other instructional materials.
- Financial support to the lineage holder and training of the future lineage holder.
- Administrative support for the management of the Sakyong Potrang activities including finances and donor relations.
Board of Directors
Jen Crow, Chair of Board
Alex Halpern, Secretary
Landon Mallery, Treasurer
Sharon Hoagland
Alan Goldstein
Robert Taylor
Betsy Railla
Christoph Schoenherr
Alex Halpern, Secretary
Landon Mallery, Treasurer
Sharon Hoagland
Alan Goldstein
Robert Taylor
Betsy Railla
Christoph Schoenherr
Michael Greenleaf